The Chef Show Peach Gallette By Evan Kleiman

For the Filling:
7 ripe peaches (or 8 nectarines), they shouldn’t be super soft
1/4 cup sugar or to taste
1/2 cup brown sugar or to taste
1/2 teaspoon Diamond Crystal Kosher salt
A squeeze of lemon juice if needed
1/4 cup all purpose flour
Bring water to a rolling boil in a saucepan. Have a bowl full of iced water ready. Put the peaches in the water one at a time so the boil doesn’t stop. Count to ten. Lift the boiled peach out of the water with a slotted spoon or tong and put in the iced water. Continue until all the peaches are done. Slip the skins off all the peaches then cut them into wedges about 3/4″ thick. As you slice them put them in a bowl. Add the sugars as needed and the salt. If the peaches taste flat add a squeeze of lemon juice. Taste again and adjust seasoning. In this case your seasoning is the sugars, salt and lemon. Once the peaches taste correct to your taste add the flour and mix.
To Put the Gallette Together
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
To make the Gallette into a Pie-llette like I did in the show get a 9″ regular pie plate. Do not use a ceramic or deep dish pie dish! I used a 9″ pyrex dish. Roll out the dough according to the dough directions giving yourself plenty of extra to fold over. Drape the dough into the pie pan easing it into the bottom without stretching the dough. Give the filling a stir and pour it on top of the dough. Fold the edges over the filling pleating where you need. The “fold” can nearly cover the filling or just be a small border. It’s totally up to you.
Place the Pie-llette on a rack set on the lowest rung. Cook until the crust is beautifully deep golden brown and the filling is bubbling and thick, approximately 40 minutes. Try to let it cool a bit before you eat it. It will taste even better. Serve with vanilla ice cream if you like.
